Get Pooled WebDriver

This node works similarly to the Start WebDriver node, except that it relies on a global pool of WebDrivers respective browsers. When the node is executed, it will try to retrieve an existing, idle WebDriver with the specified configuration from the pool, and only start a new one in case no WebDriver is available.

Instead of quitting the WebDriver (e.g. by resetting this node, or by running a Quit WebDriver node), it is handed back to the pool and can be reused later. WebDrivers managed by the pool will be quit simultaneously with KNIME.

The node performs a simple health check before handing out a pooled WebDriver. In case a WebDriver is not responding (e.g. because it has crashed, or it was killed by the user) it is eliminated from the pool.

Note, that the pooling mechanism is primarily intended for speeding up workflows which would start new browsers very frequently (e.g. in a busy loop). Pooled drivers keep their settings (cache, cookies, data, history, etc.), it is therefore not advisable to use the pooling mechanism when you require a “clean” browser, e.g. during testing.



The WebDriver to use (this option is available when the input port is unconnected). Otherwise you can configure this in the corresponding “WebDriver Factory” node. Please see the “WebDriver Factory” node documentation for configuration details.


The URL to load (optional)


Page load timeout
The timeout for a page load to finish in milliseconds.
Script timeout
The timeout for asynchronous scripts in milliseconds.
Implicit wait
The amount of time to wait in case an element is searched in the DOM and it is not immediately available.

Input Ports

A configured factory which is used for creating the WebDrivers

Output Ports

A table with one row and column providing the WebDriver


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