
This node allows interacting with JavaScript-based alert, confirm, and prompt dialog boxes. When a WebBrowser shows a dialog, these can be dismissed or confirmed. Further, it allows to extract a dialog’s text and send keyboard input to the dialog. The node assumes, that a dialog box is currently shown in the browser window.

For this node to work with Chrome-based browsers or Firefox, you must set the unhandledPromptBehavior capability to ignore, otherwise the alerts will be automatically dismissed without the possibility of any interaction. You can use the predefined “Don’t auto-dismiss alerts” snippet in the Start WebDriver or WebDriver Factory node.

Important: This node cannot be used for HTTP authentication dialogs. In case you need to authenticate this way, you can send the credentials directly through the “Navigate” node. Add username and password to your URL like this: (works with Chrome-based browsers and Firefox). Alternatively have a look at the Authenticate (HTTP Basic) node.


WebDriver input
Input column which provides the WebDriver(s)
Close the dialog by clicking the “Cancel” button.
Close the dialog by clicking the “OK” button.
Append column with text
Extract the dialog’s message and append it as text column.
Send keys
The text to send to the dialog (in case it is a “prompt” dialog).

Input Ports

Table with a column providing a WebDriver with an open alert, confirm, or prompt box.

Output Ports

Same as input table, and appended text column in case the “Append column with text option was selected.


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