Reverse Location Lookup

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Given a latitude/longitude coordinate pair and a specified radius, retrieve all locations within that radius from the activated location sources (see preferences). E.g. given a coordinate (52.52, 13.41) and using an appropriate location source, we can retrieve the location “Berlin” in Germany.

Location Source Setup

Please see the corresponding section in the “Location Extrator” node.


The input column which holds the coordinate values.
Specify how the retrieved locations should be mapped to columna values:
  • Rows: Create one new row for each retrieved location. In case there is more than one location found, this will append multiple rows per input, or no row in case no match was found.
  • Rows or Missing: Same as “Rows”, but append a row with missing value cells when no location was found for an input row.
  • JSON: Append a JSON array with the found locations and detailed location information.
Output Column Prefix (*)
Set a prefix for the appended column names.
The radius around any given coordinate in kilometers.
Num. results
The maximum number of results to retrieve for each given coordinate.

Input Ports

Connector to a Location Source.
Table with coordinates around which to search.

Output Ports

Table with appended locations.


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