RDKit Highlighting Atoms (deprecated)

This Node Is Deprecated — This node is kept for backwards-compatibility, but the usage in new workflows is no longer recommended. The documentation below might contain more information.

Creates a SVG column showing a molecule with highlighted atoms based on information in the input table. A molecule column as well as a column with a list of the atoms to be highlighted needs to be provided. Note: This node has been replaced with the RDKit Molecule Highlighting node.


RDKit Mol column
The input column with RDKit Molecules.
Column of list of atoms to highlight
The input column with the atoms to be highlighted.
Column name for molecule highlighted atoms
The name of the new column, which will contain the result.

Input Ports

Table with an RDKit Molecules and a List of Atoms to be highlighted.

Output Ports

The input table with an additional column that shows the highlighted atoms in an SVG molecule graphic.

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