PMML Difference Checker

The node recursively compares PMML documents and produces an error when it detects differences. Differences are missing attributes or nodes and different attribute values or node content. The order of XML nodes in the document does not affect the outcome of the equality check. Integers and double values that are the same are also treated as same (e.g. "1" and "1.0").


Check Data Dictionary
Determines whether the data dictionaries are included in the equality check
Check Transformation Dictionary
Determines whether the transformation dictionaries are included in the equality check
Check Header
Determines whether the headers are included in the equality check
Check Mining Build Task
Determines whether the mining build tasks are included in the equality check
Check Model Verification
Determines whether model verifications are included in the equality check
Check Extensions
Determines whether extension elements are included in the equality check
Check Attributes of PMML Element
Determines whether the attributes (such as namespaces) of the PMML root element should be checked. The PMML version is always checked.

Input Ports

A PMML document
A PMML document

Output Ports

This node has no output ports

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