TomTom Isochrone Map

Calculate Reachable Range service provided by TomTom.

This node calculates the isochrone map (reachable range) for a list of given geometric points using the Calculate Reachable Range service of the Routing service provided by TomTom. It takes a geometry as origin and generates an isochrone map as output for each given geometry, illustrating areas reachable within a given time budget list. If the input geometry is not a point feature, the centroid will be used.

Please note that this node requires a TomTom API key that can be acquired for free by registering here. For more details about the number of free request and pricing go to the TomTom pricing page.


Origin geometry column

This parameter selects the geometry column from the input table that represents the origin point for the isochrone calculation.

Origin ID column

This parameter selects the column which contains for each origin a unique ID. The selected column will be returned in the result table and can be used to link back to the original data.

Isochrone time budget list

Input an interval list in minutes separated by comma e.g. 5,10,15,20,25,30

Departure time

The departure time for the isochrone calculation. This parameter can affect the isochrone map due to varying traffic conditions at different times.

Consider current traffic

If selected the current traffic conditions is considered in the isochrone calculation. Note that information on historic road speeds is always used.

Route type

Determines the type of route used for the isochrone calculation. Different route types can result in different isochrones.

Available options:

  • Fastest: Focuses on reducing travel time.
  • Shortest: Prioritizes the shortest physical distance.
  • Eco: Optimizes for fuel efficiency.
Travel mode

Specifies the mode of travel for the isochrone calculation, which can significantly impact the shape and extent of the isochrone.

Available options:

  • Car: Car as vehicle type.
  • Truck: Truck as vehicle type.
  • Taxi: Taxi as vehicle type.
  • Bus: Bus as vehicle type.
  • Van: Van as vehicle type.
  • Motorcycle: Motorcycle as vehicle type.
TomTom API Key

The TomTom API key is required to authenticate requests to the Calculate Reachable Range service which is part of the Routing API provided by TomTom. To get an API key, click here. For details about the pricing go to the TomTom pricing page.

Request timeout in seconds

The maximum time in seconds to wait for the request to the TomTom API to succeed.

Input Ports


Input table with point geometry representing the origin points.

Output Ports


Output table with isochrone geometry.

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