OSRM Distance Matrix

This node uses the Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM) to create a distance matrix for the provided origins and destinations. The matrix is created by pairing each input origin with each input destination and will contain the driving travel distance and time as well as the route for each pair. The travel distance unit is meter and the estimated drive time is returned in minutes.

OSRM is a C++ implementation of a high-performance routing engine for shortest paths in road networks. It combines sophisticated routing algorithms with the open and free road network data of the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project.

If the input geometry is not a point geometry, the centroids will be automatically computed and used.

Usage Policy

Good practice and general limitations of the OSRM service that is used by this node can be found here. The current demo server is hosted by FOSSGIS which is subject to the usage policies and terms and conditions that can be found here.


Data copyright by OpenStreetMap (ODbl) and provided under CC-BY-SA. To report a problem and contribute to OpenStreetMap click here. Please note the licence/attribution guidelines as described here.


Origin geometry column

Select the geometry column that describes the origins.

Origin ID column

Select the column which contains for each origin a unique ID. The selected column will be returned in the result table and can be used to link back to the original data.

Destination geometry column

Select the geometry column that describes the destinations.

Destination ID column

Select the column which contains for each destination a unique ID. The selected column will be returned in the result table and can be used to link back to the original data.

Result mode

Supports the following result modes:

Available options:

  • Route: Returns only the travel route.
  • Travel cost: Returns the drive distance in meters and travel time in minutes.
  • Travel cost and route: Returns the drive distance in meters and travel time in minutes as well as the travel route.
Minimum delay (seconds)

The minimum delay in seconds between two requests to the OSRM server.

Default timeout (seconds)

The default timeout in seconds for a request to the OSRM server.

OSRM server

The URL of the OSRM server to use. The default value is the demo server hosted at https://map.project-osrm.org

Input Ports


Input table with origin geometry and ID column.


Input table with destination geometry and ID column.

Output Ports


Output table with the selected origin and destination ID columns and the corresponding travel costs in minutes and meters as well as the travel route.

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