Python View

This Node Is Deprecated — This version of the node has been replaced with a new and improved version. The old version is kept for backwards-compatibility, but for all new workflows we suggest to use the version linked below.
Go to Suggested ReplacementPython View

Allows execution of a Python script in a local Python installation. The path to the Python executable has to be configured in Preferences → KNIME → Python.



The script that will be executed to generate this nodes output. Execute script will execute the full script while execute selection will only execute the currently selected script.

The editor optionally provides autocompletion (CTRL + Space) if the Python module jedi is installed.
The list contains the columns available in the input table. A double click will insert the corresponding identifier at the current cursor position in the editor.
Flow variables
The list contains the available flow variables. A double click will insert the corresponding identifier at the current cursor position in the editor.
Lists the currently defined identifiers in the running Python instance. Reset workspace will remove all definitions and reinsert only the input data. Show image shows the output image.
Displays the standard and error output of the execution as well as other relevant information.
Row limit (dialog)
Limits how many rows are loaded in the dialog. Changes only take effect after reseting the workspace.


Create from editor...
Create a new template based on the script contained in the editor of the script tab.

Note: User defined templates can be found in the folder: knime-workspace/.metadata/knime/sourcecode-templates/python-view
Remove selected
Removes the selected template.

Note: Templates provided by plugins can not be removed.
Apply selected
Replaces the script contained in the editor of the script tab with the selected template.

Input Ports

The input table. In the Python script it is available as pandas.DataFrame under the name input_table .

Output Ports

The output image. This is the content of the variable output_image which has to be defined and has to be a string containing either an SVG or a byte array representing a PNG or JPG image. Otherwise this node will not successfully execute.


Image output
The image returned by the Python script.
Standard output
The text sent by Python to the standard output, during the execution of this node.
Error output
The text sent by Python to the error output, during the execution of this node.


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