Range Slider Filter Definition

A slider which can be used to trigger interactive filter events in a layout of views (e.g. the WebPortal). The node appends a filter definition to the table spec.

Only view nodes downstream of this node can receive interactive filter events.

The node supports custom CSS styling. You can simply put CSS rules into a single string and set it as a flow variable 'customCSS' in the node configuration dialog. You will find the list of available classes and their description on our documentation page.


Merge With Existing Filter Definitions (Table)
Check this setting to keep any pre-existing filter definitions on the output table. If not set only this node's filter definition is present on the output table.
Merge With Existing Filter Definitions (Model Port)
Check this setting to keep any pre-existing filter definitions on the model output port. If not set only this node's filter definition is present on the output model.
Show Label
Displays the column name as a label below or besides the slider. Use the Custom option to define an arbitrary label.
Range Column
Select the column to apply the filter definition to. Additionally the domain of the column can be used for the range of the slider.
Range Minimum
Select the minimum value for the slider range. If Custom is checked a custom value can be entered, otherwise the minimum from the selected range column is used.
Range Maximum
Select the maximum value for the slider range. If Custom is checked a custom value can be entered, otherwise the maximum from the selected range column is used.
Default Minimum Value
Set the value for the minimum slider handle. If Use Domain Extent is checked the value from the range minimum will be used.
Default Maximum Value
Set the value for the maximum slider handle. If Use Domain Extent is checked the value from the range maximum will be used.


Use Stepping
Check this option to enable stepping on the slider. If disabled the slider values are continuous.
Step Size
Define the step size to be used for stepping.
Check the parts of the slider, which should be displayed as a colored bar. Unchecked parts will be grey.
Select the orientation of the slider.
Select the direction of the slider.
Check the appropriate options to show the current value as a tooltip on the slider handle. Additionally a number formatting can be applied by selecting Use Formatter for Tooltips and then adjusting the settings by clicking Format Options. The options are the same as for the tick label format options further down.


Enable Labels and Ticks
Check this option to enable ticks and labels shown under or beside the slider.
Ticks Mode
The mode after which the ticks and labels are displayed. Possible values are:
  • Range: Draw labels at the specified range points. For linear sliders this is only minimum and maximum.
  • Steps: Draws labels at specified steps (See Step Size option). Major ticks and labels are generated at the minimum and maximum and smaller labels at each step size.
  • Positions: Draw labels and major ticks at set positions (percentages). Use the Values field to specify the positions as a comma separated list of values between 0 and 100.
  • Count: Draws the number of labels specified. Use the Values field to provide the count as an integer number.
  • Values: Draw labels and major ticks at positions of the actual values. Use the Values field to specify the values as a comma separated list of numbers.
A measure to pre-scale the number of ticks. Higher number means less ticks.
For Positions, Count, and Values ticks mode. Set the appropriate values either as number or comma separated list of numbers.
For Positions, Count, and Values ticks mode. Check to override calculated or given label positions, to match the values to the provided slider steps.
Lable Format Options
Set formatting options for all labels drawn.
Decimal Digits
The number of decimal digits to be shown. Use 0 for no decimal digits. Maximum is 7 digits.
Decimal Separator
The decimal separator character. Defaults to .
Thousands Separator
The thousands separator character. Leave blank for displaying no separator character.
Custom Prefix
A custom prefix string. A common use case for this is a currency symbol.
Custom Postfix
A custom string rendered after the number.
Negative Sign
The string used to denote a negative number. Defaults to -
Negative Before String
A custom string rendered before any custom prefix, when number is negative.

Input Ports

Input table which contains at least one double column with domain values set, which can be used to control the minimum and maximum values of the slider.

Output Ports

Input table with filter definition appended to one column.
Filter definition applied to the input column.


Interactive View: Range Slider Filter
Select a range for interactive filtering.




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