NaiveBayesMultinomialText (3.7)

Multinomial naive bayes for text data

Operates directly (and only) on String attributes.Other types of input attributes are accepted but ignored during training and classification

(based on WEKA 3.7)

For further options, click the 'More' - button in the dialog.

All weka dialogs have a panel where you can specify classifier-specific parameters.


NaiveBayesMultinomialText Options

W: Use word frequencies instead of binary bag of words.

P: How often to prune the dictionary of low frequency words (default = 0, i.e. don't prune)

M: Minimum word frequency. Words with less than this frequence are ignored. If periodic pruning is turned on then this is also used to determine which words to remove from the dictionary (default = 3).

normalize: Normalize document length (use in conjunction with -norm and -lnorm)

norm: Specify the norm that each instance must have (default 1.0)

lnorm: Specify L-norm to use (default 2.0)

lowercase: Convert all tokens to lowercase before adding to the dictionary.

stoplist: Ignore words that are in the stoplist.

stopwords: A file containing stopwords to override the default ones. Using this option automatically sets the flag ('-stoplist') to use the stoplist if the file exists. Format: one stopword per line, lines starting with '#' are interpreted as comments and ignored.

tokenizer: The tokenizing algorihtm (classname plus parameters) to use. (default: weka.core.tokenizers.WordTokenizer)

stemmer: The stemmering algorihtm (classname plus parameters) to use.

Select target column
Choose the column that contains the target variable.
Preliminary Attribute Check

The Preliminary Attribute Check tests the underlying classifier against the DataTable specification at the inport of the node. Columns that are compatible with the classifier are marked with a green 'ok'. Columns which are potentially not compatible are assigned a red error message.

Important: If a column is marked as 'incompatible', it does not necessarily mean that the classifier cannot be executed! Sometimes, the error message 'Cannot handle String class' simply means that no nominal values are available (yet). This may change during execution of the predecessor nodes.

Capabilities: [Nominal attributes, Binary attributes, Unary attributes, Empty nominal attributes, Numeric attributes, Date attributes, String attributes, Missing values, Nominal class, Binary class, Missing class values] Dependencies: [] min # Instance: 0

Command line options

It shows the command line options according to the current classifier configuration and mainly serves to support the node's configuration via flow variables.

Additional Options

Select optional vector column
If the input table contains vector columns (e.g. double vector), the one to use can be selected here. This vector column will be used as attributes only and all other columns, except the target column, will be ignored.
Keep training instances
If checked, all training instances will be kept and stored with the classifier model. It is useful to calculate additional evaluation measures (see Weka Predictor) that make use of class prior probabilities. If no evaluation is performed or those measures are not required, it is advisable to NOT keep the training instances.

Input Ports

Training data

Output Ports

Trained model

Popular Predecessors

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Popular Successors

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Weka Node View
Each Weka node provides a summary view that provides information about the classification. If the test data contains a class column, an evaluation is generated.


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