H2O MOJO Predictor (Classification)

This Node Is Deprecated — This version of the node has been replaced with a new and improved version. The old version is kept for backwards-compatibility, but for all new workflows we suggest to use the version linked below.
Go to Suggested ReplacementH2O MOJO Predictor (Classification)

This node applies a classification MOJO (binomial or multinomial) to an input dataset.


General Settings

Enforce presence of all feature columns
If checked, the node will fail if any of the feature columns used for learning the MOJO is missing. Otherwise, a warning will be displayed and the missing columns are treated as NA by the MOJO predictor.
Fail, if a prediction exception occurs
If checked, the node will fail if the prediction of a row fails. Otherwise, a missing value will be the output and a warning will be given.

Classification Settings

Change prediction column name
Change the name of the prediction column.
Append individual class probabilities
Select to append the class probabilities of each class to the table. Useful for scoring models.
Suffix for probability columns
If class probabilities are appended, the suffix allows you to avoid duplicate column names. Can be empty.

Input Ports

The MOJO. Its model category must be either binomial, multinomial or ordinal.
Table for prediction. Missing values will be treated as NA .

Output Ports

Table containing the predicted class and, if selected, the individual class probabilities.


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