Keras Convolutional LSTM 2D Layer

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2D Convolutional Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) layer. Similar to a normal LSTM, but the input and recurrent transformations are both convolutional. Corresponds to the ConvLSTM2D Keras layer .


Name prefix
The name prefix of the layer. The prefix is complemented by an index suffix to obtain a unique layer name. If this option is unchecked, the name prefix is derived from the layer type.
Input tensor
The tensor to use as input for the layer.
First hidden state tensor
The tensor to use as initial state for the first hidden state in case the corresponding port is connected.
Second hidden state tensor
The tensor to use as initial state for the second hidden state in case the corresponding port is connected.
Dimensionality of the output space.
Kernel size
A comma separated pair of integers that describes the size of the convolutional kernel.
A comma separated pair of positive integers that describes the stride of the network in each spatial dimension. A stride != 1 results in an output downsampled by a factor of 1/stride in the specific dimension. Note that any stride value != 1 is incompatible with specifying any dilation rate value != 1.
Same padding keeps the spatial size of the input intact (provided no stride or dilation is used) while valid padding reduces the size of the input.
Dilation rate
A comma separated pair of integers specifying the dilation rate to use for dilated convolution. Note that it is not supported to specify a stride value != 1 and a dilation rate value != 1.
The activation function to use on the input transformations.
Recurrent activation
The activation function to use for the recurrent step.
Use bias
If checked, a bias vector will be used.
Return sequences
Whether to return the last output in the output sequence or the full output sequence. If selected the output will have shape [time, height, width, channel] otherwise the output will have shape [height, width, channel] (for data format channel_last).
Return state
Whether to return the hidden states in addition to the layer output. If selected the layer returns three tensors, the normal output and the two hidden states of the layer. If sequences are returned, this also applies to the hidden states.
Go backwards
Whether to go backwards in time i.e. read the input sequence backwards.
Fraction of the units to drop for the linear transformation of the input.
Recurrent dropout
Fraction of the units to drop for the linear transformation of the recurrent state.


Kernel initializer
Initializer for the convolutional kernel used for the linear transformations of the input. See initializers for details on the available initializers.
Recurrent initializer
Initializer for the convolutional kernel used for the linear transformation of the recurrent connection. See initializers for details on the available initializers.
Bias initializer
Initializer for the bias vector (if a bias is used). See initializers for details on the available initializers.
Unit forget bias
If selected, add 1 to the bias of the forget gate at initialization. Use in combination with bias initializer zeros.


Kernel regularizer
Regularizer function applied to the convolutional kernel. See regularizers for details on the available regularizers.
Recurrent regularizer
Regularizer function applied to the convolutional kernel for the recurrent connection. See regularizers for details on the available regularizers.
Bias regularizer
Regularizer function applied to the bias vector. See regularizers for details on the available regularizers.
Activity regularizer
Regularizer function applied to the output of the layer i.e. its activation. See regularizers for details on the available regularizers.


Kernel constraint
Constraint on the convolutional kernel for the input connection. See constraints for details on the available constraints.
Recurrent constraint
Constraint on the convolutional kernel for the recurrent connection. See constraints for details on the available constraints.
Bias constraint
Constraint on the bias vector. See constraints for details on the available constraints.

Input Ports

The Keras deep learning network to which to add an ConvLSTM2D layer. The shape of the tensor must be [time, height, width, channel] or [time, channel, height, width] for data format channels_last and channels_first respectively.
An optional Keras deep learning network providing the first initial state for this ConvLSTM2D layer. Note that if this port is connected, you also have to connect the second hidden state port. The shape must be [height, width, channel] or [channel, height, width] depending on data format and the dimensionality of the channel dimension must match the number of filters of this layer.
> An optional Keras deep learning network providing the second initial state for this ConvLSTM2D layer. Note that if this port is connected, you also have to connect the first hidden state port. The shape must be [height, width, channel] or [channel, height, width] depending on data format and the dimensionality of the channel dimension must match the number of filters of this layer.

Output Ports

The Keras deep learning network with an added ConvLSTM2D layer.


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