Amazon DynamoDB Create Table

This node creates a DynamoDB table with optional global and local indexes in the given region.


Standard Settings

The region the table is in.
Table Name
The table to access.
Custom Endpoint (*)
A custom endpoint if the default AWS endpoint should not be used, e.g. for DynamoDB Local.
Hash Key
The name and type of the table's hash key.
Range Key
If unchecked, the table has no range key. Otherwise the name and type of the range key must be given.
Billing Mode
Whether the table access is billed per request or via provisioned throughput.
Read Capacity Units
The number of read capacity units provisioned for the table (min. 1, max. 40.000).
Write Capacity Units
The number of write capacity units provisioned for the table (min. 1, max. 40.000).
Block until table is active
If checked, the node blocks execution until the table is ready for reading and writing.
Tags assigned to the table for ressource management.


The type of index. Global indexes' keys can be defined on any scalar attribute, local indexes have the same hash key as their parent table.
The name of the index.
Hash Key
The name and type of the attribute serving as a hash key for the index.
Range Key
If checked: the name and type of the attribute serving as a range key for the index. Otherwise the index has no range key. Local indexes always have a range key.
Read Units
The number of provisioned read units if the index is global.
Write Units
The number of provisioned write units if the index is global.
The type of projection, i.e. the attributes included in the index.


Enable SSE
Enables Server-Side Encryption
KMS Master Key ID
The ID of the KMS master key to use or empty if the default key should be used
Enable Streaming
Enables streaming of table changes
Stream View Type
Which attributes to include in the stream

Input Ports

Credentials for an AWS account
Flow variables for table settings

Output Ports

Credentials for an AWS account


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