
For each group an individual ranking is computed based on the selected ranking attribute(s) and ranking mode. The user must provide at least one attribute on which a ranking should be calculated.

The groups are determined by the unique value combinations of the grouping attribute(s). If no grouping attribute is provided, one ranking will be calculated for the whole table.

Missing values are considered to represent the largest value possible.

The columns in the input table will be called "attributes" to avoid confusion with the table structures in the dialog.


Ranking Attributes

Ranking attributes can be added, removed and prioritized by the corresponding buttons. In order to change the selected attribute one can click on the name of a attribute to open a drop-down menu with all available attributes. The same applies for the ranking order, the options

The first attribute in the ranking table has the highest priority for ranking, all following attributes only come into play when there are ties in the attributes higher up in the table.

An attribute can be chosen by clicking on one of the attribute names in the table and selecting the desired attribute in the drop down menu.

For each attribute one can choose whether the ranking should be computed ascending or descending. To do so, click on the order for the corresponding ranking attribute and select the desired value.

Grouping Attributes

Ranking attributes can be added and removed by the corresponding buttons.

An attribute can be chosen by clicking on an attribute name and selecting the desired attribute in the drop down menu.

Ranking Mode
There are three possible ranking modes:
  • Standard: Rows with the same values in the ranking attributes receive the same rank and the next row with a different value receives a rank that is increased by the number of rows that had the same rank. Therefore the ranking has gaps.
  • Dense: Rows with the same values in the ranking attributes receive the same rank but the row with the next different value receives a rank that is only incremented by one.
  • Ordinal: The ranking is consecutive, even rows with the same values in the ranking attributes receive unique ranks.
Name of Rank Attribute
The name that the appended ranking column should have. An empty name is not permitted.
Retain Row Order
If checked, the original row order is retained. This option should only be checked if really necessary because the restoration of the row order is runtime intensive.
Rank as Long
Check this option if the appended rank attribute should be of type Long. It is recommended to use this option only if the input table is very large. Otherwise the type int will be sufficient to capture all ranks.

Input Ports

Data that is to be ranked

Output Ports

Table containing an additional rank column


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