Database Column Filter

This Node Is Deprecated — This version of the node has been replaced with a new and improved version. The old version is kept for backwards-compatibility, but for all new workflows we suggest to use the version linked below.
Go to Suggested ReplacementDB Column Filter

This node is part of the deprecated database framework. For more information on how to migrate to the new database framework see the migration section of the database documentation.

This node allows columns to be filtered from the input database table while the SQL result will only contain the remaining columns. Within the dialog, columns can be moved between the Include and Exclude list.


This list contains the names of those columns in the input table to be included in the output table.
This list contains the names of those columns in the input table to be excluded from the output table.
Use one of these fields to filter either the Include or Exclude list for certain column names or name substrings.
Use these buttons to move columns between the Include and Exclude list. Single-arrow buttons will move all selected columns. Double-arrow buttons will move all columns (filtering is taken into account).

Input Ports

Table in database with columns to exclude

Output Ports

Table in the database with excluded columns


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