Elasticsearch Reader (ES 6)

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This node executes a given query against Elasticsearch and returns a list of results as JSON documents. We recommend using the “JSON to Table” node as predecessor to convert the JSON results to a KNIME table.


The protocol used to connect to Elasticsearch. The following strategies are available:
  • HTTP: Connect via HTTP. Be aware: Data transfer is send unencrypted and vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
  • HTTPS: Connect via HTTPS. Data transfer is send encrypted. The Elasticsearch server has to support this mode.
Host name.
Network port under which Elasticsearch can be reached. By default Elasticsearch uses port 9200 for communication.
Accept all certificates
If enabled, all SSL certificates will be accepted. Caution: Only enable this option if you really know what you are doing!
The protocol used to connect to Elasticsearch. The following strategies are available:
  • None: No authentication is used. Elasticsearch can be accessed without any access restrictions.
  • Credentials: Credentials are injected via KNIME credentials. Select the proper credential via drop-down menu.
  • Username & Password: Username and password are provided within the dialog. Enter username and password in the provided text fields.
Elasticsearch index the query is executed against. Fetch existing indices via "Select an index…". Don't specify an index if you like to query all existing indices. You can also use wildcards. This option might not be available if you have specified the index via the "Elasticsearch Index" node already .
The document type the query should be restricted to. Fetch existing types via "Select a type…". Don't specify a type if you like to query all existing documents ignoring the document type. This option might not be available if you have specified the type via the "Elasticsearch Type" node already.
Specify a custom routing, if you like the query to be executed to a particular shard. This option might not be available if you have specified the route via the "Elasticsearch Route" node already.
The query written in Elasticsearch Query DSL . This option might not be available if you have specified the query via the "Elasticsearch Query" node already. The following options might be defined to limit the amount of retrieved hits:
  • From: Retrieve hits from a certain offset. This defaults to 0, meaning you first get the best matching items.
  • Size: The number of hits that should be retrieved. By default, the node provides 10 items. Set this to "0" if you like to get all relevant hits. To query more efficient, the node uses Elasticsearch's Scroll API for deep scrolling and returning large amounts of items.

Input Ports

An Elasticsearch connection or Elasticsearch search.

Output Ports

The results of the executed query.


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