Open in Python

This node opens a local Python session and pushes the data table from KNIME into Python. Depending on the preference settings under KNIME > Community Scripting > Python Scripting the node either

  • starts Python via command line and executes the Python script to load KNIME tables into Python as pandas dataframe.
  • Otherwise Jupyter is started which loads a notebook to load the KNIME data.

The input data table is sent to Python as a pandas data frame named "kIn". If the optional input ports are used then data frames are named "kIn1", "kIn2" and "kIn3".

For detailed information check out the Wiki Page

Input Ports

A data table
Provided as pandas data frame named kIn or kIn1 in Python.
A data table
Provided as pandas data frame named kIn2 in Python.
A data table
Provided as pandas data frame named kIn3 in Python.

Output Ports

This node has no output ports


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