Search Recipes by Nutrients

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Search Recipes by Nutrients

Find a set of recipes that adhere to the given nutritional limits. You may set limits for macronutrients (calories, protein, fat, and carbohydrate) and/or many micronutrients.


Min Carbs (*)
The minimum amount of carbohydrates in grams the recipe must have.
Max Carbs (*)
The maximum amount of carbohydrates in grams the recipe can have.
Min Protein (*)
The minimum amount of protein in grams the recipe must have.
Max Protein (*)
The maximum amount of protein in grams the recipe can have.
Min Calories (*)
The minimum amount of calories the recipe must have.
Max Calories (*)
The maximum amount of calories the recipe can have.
Min Fat (*)
The minimum amount of fat in grams the recipe must have.
Max Fat (*)
The maximum amount of fat in grams the recipe can have.
Min Alcohol (*)
The minimum amount of alcohol in grams the recipe must have.
Max Alcohol (*)
The maximum amount of alcohol in grams the recipe can have.
Min Caffeine (*)
The minimum amount of caffeine in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Caffeine (*)
The maximum amount of caffeine in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Copper (*)
The minimum amount of copper in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Copper (*)
The maximum amount of copper in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Calcium (*)
The minimum amount of calcium in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Calcium (*)
The maximum amount of calcium in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Choline (*)
The minimum amount of choline in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Choline (*)
The maximum amount of choline in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Cholesterol (*)
The minimum amount of cholesterol in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Cholesterol (*)
The maximum amount of cholesterol in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Fluoride (*)
The minimum amount of fluoride in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Fluoride (*)
The maximum amount of fluoride in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Saturated Fat (*)
The minimum amount of saturated fat in grams the recipe must have.
Max Saturated Fat (*)
The maximum amount of saturated fat in grams the recipe can have.
Min Vitamin A (*)
The minimum amount of Vitamin A in IU the recipe must have.
Max Vitamin A (*)
The maximum amount of Vitamin A in IU the recipe can have.
Min Vitamin C (*)
The minimum amount of Vitamin C in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Vitamin C (*)
The maximum amount of Vitamin C in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Vitamin D (*)
The minimum amount of Vitamin D in micrograms the recipe must have.
Max Vitamin D (*)
The maximum amount of Vitamin D in micrograms the recipe can have.
Min Vitamin E (*)
The minimum amount of Vitamin E in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Vitamin E (*)
The maximum amount of Vitamin E in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Vitamin K (*)
The minimum amount of Vitamin K in micrograms the recipe must have.
Max Vitamin K (*)
The maximum amount of Vitamin K in micrograms the recipe can have.
Min Vitamin B1 (*)
The minimum amount of Vitamin B1 in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Vitamin B1 (*)
The maximum amount of Vitamin B1 in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Vitamin B2 (*)
The minimum amount of Vitamin B2 in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Vitamin B2 (*)
The maximum amount of Vitamin B2 in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Vitamin B5 (*)
The minimum amount of Vitamin B5 in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Vitamin B5 (*)
The maximum amount of Vitamin B5 in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Vitamin B3 (*)
The minimum amount of Vitamin B3 in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Vitamin B3 (*)
The maximum amount of Vitamin B3 in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Vitamin B6 (*)
The minimum amount of Vitamin B6 in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Vitamin B6 (*)
The maximum amount of Vitamin B6 in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Vitamin B12 (*)
The minimum amount of Vitamin B12 in micrograms the recipe must have.
Max Vitamin B12 (*)
The maximum amount of Vitamin B12 in micrograms the recipe can have.
Min Fiber (*)
The minimum amount of fiber in grams the recipe must have.
Max Fiber (*)
The maximum amount of fiber in grams the recipe can have.
Min Folate (*)
The minimum amount of folate in micrograms the recipe must have.
Max Folate (*)
The maximum amount of folate in micrograms the recipe can have.
Min Folic Acid (*)
The minimum amount of folic acid in micrograms the recipe must have.
Max Folic Acid (*)
The maximum amount of folic acid in micrograms the recipe can have.
Min Iodine (*)
The minimum amount of iodine in micrograms the recipe must have.
Max Iodine (*)
The maximum amount of iodine in micrograms the recipe can have.
Min Iron (*)
The minimum amount of iron in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Iron (*)
The maximum amount of iron in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Magnesium (*)
The minimum amount of magnesium in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Magnesium (*)
The maximum amount of magnesium in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Manganese (*)
The minimum amount of manganese in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Manganese (*)
The maximum amount of manganese in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Phosphorus (*)
The minimum amount of phosphorus in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Phosphorus (*)
The maximum amount of phosphorus in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Potassium (*)
The minimum amount of potassium in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Potassium (*)
The maximum amount of potassium in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Selenium (*)
The minimum amount of selenium in micrograms the recipe must have.
Max Selenium (*)
The maximum amount of selenium in micrograms the recipe can have.
Min Sodium (*)
The minimum amount of sodium in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Sodium (*)
The maximum amount of sodium in milligrams the recipe can have.
Min Sugar (*)
The minimum amount of sugar in grams the recipe must have.
Max Sugar (*)
The maximum amount of sugar in grams the recipe can have.
Min Zinc (*)
The minimum amount of zinc in milligrams the recipe must have.
Max Zinc (*)
The maximum amount of zinc in milligrams the recipe can have.
Offset (*)
The number of results to skip (between 0 and 900).
Number (*)
The maximum number of items to return (between 1 and 100). Defaults to 10.
Random (*)
If true, every request will give you a random set of recipes within the requested limits.
Limit License (*)
Whether the recipes should have an open license that allows display with proper attribution.
Result Format
Specify how the response should be mapped to the table output. The following formats are available:
  • Raw Response: Returns the raw response in a single row with the following columns:
    • body: Response body
    • status: HTTP status code

Input Ports

Configuration data.

Output Ports

Result of the request depending on the selected Result Format.
Configuration data (this is the same as the input port; it is provided as passthrough for sequentially chaining nodes to declutter your workflow connections).

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