spoonacular Nodes

The only food API you'll ever need.

Spoonacular knows everything about food. These nodes allow you to access 2,600+ ingredients, 5,000+ recipes, 600k+ products, and 115k+ menu items with nutrition data, price information, cooking tips, health information, images, and much more through your KNIME workflow.

Spoonacular’s knowledge engineers spent years crafting a complex food ontology, which allows to understand the relationships between ingredients, recipes, nutrition, allergens, and more.

Spoonacular understands “nut free” muffins can’t contain pecans (even if the recipe doesn't mention “nuts” anywhere!) and it automatically determines that a recipe with Worcestershire sauce isn’t vegetarian (we’re looking at you, anchovies.)

For an intro into the API’s endless capabilities check out these slides.

Get your API key here and get started for free.




Further Links


To use this product in KNIME, install the extension spoonacular Nodes from the below update site:


A zipped version of the software site can be downloaded here.

NodePit Exclusive Only available on NodePit