Interaction Fingerprint Retriever 

KNIME node to retrieve the interaction fingerprint of specific kinase-ligand complexes from KLIFS.

Spot Detection Streamable

Based on "Extraction of spots in biological images using multiscale products".

Multilevel Thresholding Streamable

Performs an efficient multilevel thresholding on an input image. This node was implemented by Markus Friedrich (University of Konstanz, […]

Max Homogeneity Streamable

This Node provides Edge-Preserving denoising via searching for homogeneous neighborhoods around each pixel.

Intensity Binner Streamable

This node allows to bin pixel intensities, i.e. re-assigning pixel values depending on what interval the original pixel values belong to. It is […]

Compare Segments 

Compares two tables of segments (binary image masks) according to how many relativ pixels they have in common. Hence the actual segment shape AND the […]

Interactive Labeling Editor Streamable

This node allows manual editing of labelings.

Grayscale Reconstruction Streamable

Reconstruct a grayscale or binary image from a marker image.