Web Log Reader StreamableDeprecated

This node reads Apache log files.

Web Log Reader Streamable

This node reads Apache log files.

SharePoint Online List Writer 

Writes a SharePoint Online list.

FSK Runner Deprecated

This node runs an FSK model

FSKX Reader Deprecated

This node reads an FSK object from an FSKX file. The R workspace is also provided on a second port for compatibility with KNIME R nodes.

Extract Context Properties 

Reads workflow context related properties, including workflow name and the logged in user.

Extract Context Properties Deprecated

Reads workflow context related properties, including workflow name and the logged in user.

Load Bruker AMIX Peaklist Files Streamable

Node to load one or more Bruker AMIX Peaklist files into a KNIME Table

Excel Reader Streamable

Reads one or more Excel files.