Date&Time Difference Streamable

Calculates differences between two date&time cells.

Date/Time Shift (legacy) 

Adds a value in a defined granularity to an existing date.

Date&Time Shift Streamable

Shifts a date or time according to a duration or granularity.

Preset Date/Time (legacy) 

Presets date or time to timestamps lacking this information.

Date Extractor Deprecated

Extracts date and time from text.

Date Extractor Streamable

Extracts date and time from text.

Date&Time to String Streamable

Converts Date&Time cells into cells holding strings.

Date Input (legacy) Deprecated

Outputs a date in a string flow variable with a given value.

Date&Time Configuration 

Provides a date&time configuration option to an encapsulating component's dialog. Outputs a string flow variable with the set value.