Shapiro Wilk Normality Test Deprecated

This node performs a Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test.

OpenAI LLM Connector 

Connects to an OpenAI Large Language Model.

XLS Hyperlinker 

The XLS Hyperlinker adds hyperlinks to cells.

Transfer Files (Table) 

Transfers files/folders taken from an input table to a specified destination folder.

PMML Transformation Appender 

Merges transformation steps documented in two PMML documents.

Stanford Lemmatizer Streamable

Returns the lemma of document terms using the Stanford Core NLP library.

MDS Projection 

Multi dimensional scaling node, mapping data of a high dimensional space onto a lower dimensional space by applying a modified Sammons mapping with […]

MDS Projection Deprecated

Multi dimensional scaling node, mapping data of a high dimensional space onto a lower dimensional space by applying a modified Sammons mapping with […]

Transfer Files 

Transfer files from a source (file or folder) to a specified destination folder.