

Find the 'query' input field on the page, enter the query and hitthe 'search' button Go through the search result pages and collect URLs Start a browser and opengoogle.com Collected search results Start a browser and opengoogle.com Find the 'query' input field on the page, enter the query and hit the'search' button Take a screenshot of the page Extract the page's DOM as rendered inbrowser This workflow shows how to scrape Googlesearch results for a given search query. Theworkflow simulates a query submission andloops through the result pages to collect moresearch results than displayed on the first resultpage. Beside that, it demonstrates how to takescreenshots and extract the rendered DOMsource of webpages.Last updated: 2019-02-26 open google.comenter querysubmit searchclick link tonext pagepage overresult pagescollectresultsclose+quit the web driver(removes WebDriver and WebElement columns as well)synchronize extractionsynchronizeextractionextract linkdestination from href attributemake sure thatpage has loadedmake screenshotconvert toimage portopen google.comenter querysubmit searchNode 36synchronizeclose+quit the web drivercreates WebDriversas configuredfind search field(<input> with name="q")find results(<div> withclass="r")get elementwith result titlewithin previously extracted <div>extract titlestringget elementwith linkwithin previously extracted <div>get link tonext pagefind search field Start WebDriver Send Keys Submit Click Counting Loop Start Loop End Quit WebDriver Synchronize Synchronize Extract Attribute Wait Take Screenshot Table To Image Start WebDriver Send Keys Submit Page Source Synchronize Quit WebDriver WebDriver Factory Find Elements Find Elements Find Elements Extract InnerHTML Find Elements Find Elements Find Elements Find the 'query' input field on the page, enter the query and hitthe 'search' button Go through the search result pages and collect URLs Start a browser and opengoogle.com Collected search results Start a browser and opengoogle.com Find the 'query' input field on the page, enter the query and hit the'search' button Take a screenshot of the page Extract the page's DOM as rendered inbrowser This workflow shows how to scrape Googlesearch results for a given search query. Theworkflow simulates a query submission andloops through the result pages to collect moresearch results than displayed on the first resultpage. Beside that, it demonstrates how to takescreenshots and extract the rendered DOMsource of webpages.Last updated: 2019-02-26 open google.comenter querysubmit searchclick link tonext pagepage overresult pagescollectresultsclose+quit the web driver(removes WebDriver and WebElement columns as well)synchronize extractionsynchronizeextractionextract linkdestination from href attributemake sure thatpage has loadedmake screenshotconvert toimage portopen google.comenter querysubmit searchNode 36synchronizeclose+quit the web drivercreates WebDriversas configuredfind search field(<input> with name="q")find results(<div> withclass="r")get elementwith result titlewithin previously extracted <div>extract titlestringget elementwith linkwithin previously extracted <div>get link tonext pagefind search fieldStart WebDriver Send Keys Submit Click Counting Loop Start Loop End Quit WebDriver Synchronize Synchronize Extract Attribute Wait Take Screenshot Table To Image Start WebDriver Send Keys Submit Page Source Synchronize Quit WebDriver WebDriver Factory Find Elements Find Elements Find Elements Extract InnerHTML Find Elements Find Elements Find Elements


