

Shows how to specify a persistent profile which can be re-used among sessions.

See “Use custom profile (also called user data directory)” @ https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/capabilities

Build the path dynamically (will put it into theuser’s home directory into a sub diectory“seleniumnodes-chrome-profile”) Just enter it into the “Capabilities” sectionMust adapt the path to fit your system’senvironment Node 1Node 2Store the Chrome profilein the user’s homeCreate the CapabilitiesJSON objectNode 5Node 6 WebDriver Factory Start WebDriver Java Edit Variable Java Edit Variable WebDriver Factory Start WebDriver Build the path dynamically (will put it into theuser’s home directory into a sub diectory“seleniumnodes-chrome-profile”) Just enter it into the “Capabilities” sectionMust adapt the path to fit your system’senvironment Node 1Node 2Store the Chrome profilein the user’s homeCreate the CapabilitiesJSON objectNode 5Node 6WebDriver Factory Start WebDriver Java Edit Variable Java Edit Variable WebDriver Factory Start WebDriver


