

Instead of Find Elements + Extract Attribute, use a single JavaScript snippet:https://forum.knime.com/t/workaround-for-403-errors/23919/5 CrawlSites Test SitesNode 1375Node 1377Node 1381Node 1382Node 1383Node 1384Node 1386Node 1403Node 1404Node 1405Extract all <a> tag’s href attributesand return resultas JSON arrayParse JSONSplit arraySplit into rowsHTTP Retriever Table Creator Start WebDriver Find Elements Navigate Loop End Quit WebDriver Variable toTable Row Current URL Extract Attribute Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Cross Joiner Execute JavaScript String to JSON JSON Path Ungroup Instead of Find Elements + Extract Attribute, use a single JavaScript snippet:https://forum.knime.com/t/workaround-for-403-errors/23919/5 CrawlSitesTest SitesNode 1375Node 1377Node 1381Node 1382Node 1383Node 1384Node 1386Node 1403Node 1404Node 1405Extract all <a> tag’s href attributesand return resultas JSON arrayParse JSONSplit arraySplit into rowsHTTP Retriever Table Creator Start WebDriver Find Elements Navigate Loop End Quit WebDriver Variable toTable Row Current URL Extract Attribute Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Cross Joiner Execute JavaScript String to JSON JSON Path Ungroup


