
sqlitedb training

The workflow shows how to setup and access databases for sqlite and postgre sql in a local host environment. The node configurations and connections also show how to write a table from an sqlite db to a postgre sql db. Howvever, please remember that the destination db needs to have the table schema created beforehand (use Db Table Creator node).

Write a table from a sqlite database to postgresql table Writing a new table into Postgre SQL with date data type Node 2Node 4Node 5Node 6Node 7Node 8Node 9Node 10Node 11Node 12Node 13Node 14Node 15CSV Reader DB Writer SQLite Connector DB Table Creator DB Table Remover DB Table Selector DB Reader DB Writer PostgreSQLConnector String to Date&Time Table Manipulator DB Table Creator DB Writer Write a table from a sqlite database to postgresql table Writing a new table into Postgre SQL with date data type Node 2Node 4Node 5Node 6Node 7Node 8Node 9Node 10Node 11Node 12Node 13Node 14Node 15CSV Reader DB Writer SQLite Connector DB Table Creator DB Table Remover DB Table Selector DB Reader DB Writer PostgreSQLConnector String to Date&Time Table Manipulator DB Table Creator DB Writer


