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URL: forum.knime.com/t/selenium-nodes-all-loop-iterations-repeat-first-page-content/13563

Extract reviews from a Yelp pageBased on this forum post:https://forum.knime.com/t/selenium-nodes-all-loop-iterations-repeat-first-page-content/13563Changes:2024-03-18 - Updated to new Yelp pagestructure, replace outdated nodes with newversions Node 67close+quit the web driverExtract review <div>Node 74make sure thatpage has loadedopen specific Yelpbiz pageCookie banner:Reject cookies(important, b/c the banner would obscurethe “next page” link)Click “Next Page” linkThe red variable connectionserves as synchronization (ie. no data is actually passed) -- it ensures that click is only called,after the last node in the "Extract Review Details" meta node has finished executionAlternatively, you can use "Synchronize" nodes, which makes the workflow a bit moreclutteredpage overreviews(configure how many pages to iterate)collect results Start WebDriver Extract ReviewDetails Quit WebDriver Find Elements WebDriver Factory Wait Navigate Click Click Counting Loop Start Loop End Extract reviews from a Yelp pageBased on this forum post:https://forum.knime.com/t/selenium-nodes-all-loop-iterations-repeat-first-page-content/13563Changes:2024-03-18 - Updated to new Yelp pagestructure, replace outdated nodes with newversions Node 67close+quit the web driverExtract review <div>Node 74make sure thatpage has loadedopen specific Yelpbiz pageCookie banner:Reject cookies(important, b/c the banner would obscurethe “next page” link)Click “Next Page” linkThe red variable connectionserves as synchronization (ie. no data is actually passed) -- it ensures that click is only called,after the last node in the "Extract Review Details" meta node has finished executionAlternatively, you can use "Synchronize" nodes, which makes the workflow a bit moreclutteredpage overreviews(configure how many pages to iterate)collect results Start WebDriver Extract ReviewDetails Quit WebDriver Find Elements WebDriver Factory Wait Navigate Click Click Counting Loop Start Loop End


