Regression Line Plotter

This node takes a input data table plus a regression model of one target column against another value column and prepares a scatter plot joining the original data and a representation of the regression model output.

Since currently adding regression lines to scatter plots is not supported, the regression line is simulated with a sequence of dots. User can adjust the number of dots shown on the chart.

Updated Aug 2022, for multiple variables mode

NOTES for multiple variables:

Make sure to select the same target variable of the regression model and one of the predictor variables to plot.

The node will automatically average other predictors variables.

The first value will be used for categorical values (so better not using them in the predictor model).

This component only works with the output PMML models compatible with the Regression Predictor node. That is output ports from Linear or Polynomial Regression Learner nodes.

A big thanks to Paolo Tamagnini ( for great support in making suggestions/fixing this node!


Select Input Features of the Model
Make sure all input predictors/features of the model are present in the list of columns on the left.
Input column
Please select column with regression input values ("X")
Target column
Please select column with target values(Y)
Maximum number of rows
Maximum number of rows from input table to be used. If the input is greater than this number we take the top 2.5k rows for the visualization.
Regression "line" number of dots
Enter the number of values predicted by the regression model to be plotte
Chart title
Enter chart title

Input Ports

Output PMML from Linear or Polynomial Regression Learner nodes.
Data from test/validation partition.

Output Ports

Visualization saved in static SVG image.


