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Data Extraction and Insertion to MySQL DataBasePLEASE DO NOT EXECUTE Table Extraction From MySQL DataBase Initial encoding and Data Cleaning Neural Network(DONT CONNECT) Assembling Neural Network Save And see Resultsof Model 1 Save And see Resultsof Model 3 Save And see Resultsof Model 2 Splitting DataSet to Train and Test Set(DONT CONNECT I BEG) Neural Trainers For Three differentTraining Mechanisms Neural Trainers For Three differentTraining Mechanisms Potential energy related attributesMicrobook DataNode 12Node 14"Full DatasetOne-hot encodingCensus RegionNode 20Rename thenew value columnto climate zoneOne-hot encodingClimate zoneGetting ridof squarefootage categoryNormalizingsquare footagecategory, percent exteriorglass, and totalopen hoursGetting ridof nb escalators,nb elevators, andHVAC features updateGetting rid of how to reduceA/CHandling missing valueslarge amounts ofwaterNode 31Neural Trainer 1Node 33Cleaning booleanvalue forlarge amounts waterCombinedpercent lit off and percentonHandling missingvalues for energy consumptionattributesNormalizing energy consumptionattributesAdjust Column headersMin-Max[0,1]Adjust Column headersMysql connection to serverNode 44Node 45Mysql connection to serverSelect mainTableSelect Climate-mapping TableConvert TableData to DataFrameConvert TableData to DataFrameBoolean MappingsNode 52ExtractpredictionSelect Bool MappingTableConvert TableData to DataFrameHidden layer8 unitsReLUOutput layer 3 unitSoftmaxInput layer 4 unitsNeural Trainer 2Neural Trainer 3Save NetworkTrainer 1Apply the trained networkEvaluateSave NetworkTrainer 2Apply the trained networkExtractpredictionEvaluateExtractpredictionEvaluateSave NetworkTrainer 3Apply the trained network70% - training15 % - validation15 % - testingApply one hotencoding to thetarget columnColumn Filter Excel Reader Column Renamer(Dictionary) CSV Reader CSV Reader Python Script Value Lookup Table Manipulator Python Script Column Filter Normalizer Column Filter Column Filter Missing Value Value Lookup Keras NetworkLearner Missing Value Table Manipulator Column Expressions Missing Value Normalizer Python Script Normalizer Python Script MySQL Connector DB Writer DB Writer MySQL Connector DB Table Selector DB Table Selector DB Reader DB Reader CSV Reader DB Writer Rule Engine DB Table Selector DB Reader Keras Dense Layer Keras Dense Layer Keras Input Layer Keras NetworkLearner Keras NetworkLearner Keras NetworkWriter Keras NetworkExecutor Scorer Keras NetworkWriter Keras NetworkExecutor Rule Engine Scorer Rule Engine Scorer Keras NetworkWriter Keras NetworkExecutor Partitioning Partitioning Normalizer (Apply) One to Many Normalizer (Apply) Data Extraction and Insertion to MySQL DataBasePLEASE DO NOT EXECUTE Table Extraction From MySQL DataBase Initial encoding and Data Cleaning Neural Network(DONT CONNECT) Assembling Neural Network Save And see Resultsof Model 1 Save And see Resultsof Model 3 Save And see Resultsof Model 2 Splitting DataSet to Train and Test Set(DONT CONNECT I BEG) Neural Trainers For Three differentTraining Mechanisms Neural Trainers For Three differentTraining Mechanisms Potential energy related attributesMicrobook DataNode 12Node 14"Full DatasetOne-hot encodingCensus RegionNode 20Rename thenew value columnto climate zoneOne-hot encodingClimate zoneGetting ridof squarefootage categoryNormalizingsquare footagecategory, percent exteriorglass, and totalopen hoursGetting ridof nb escalators,nb elevators, andHVAC features updateGetting rid of how to reduceA/CHandling missing valueslarge amounts ofwaterNode 31Neural Trainer 1Node 33Cleaning booleanvalue forlarge amounts waterCombinedpercent lit off and percentonHandling missingvalues for energy consumptionattributesNormalizing energy consumptionattributesAdjust Column headersMin-Max[0,1]Adjust Column headersMysql connection to serverNode 44Node 45Mysql connection to serverSelect mainTableSelect Climate-mapping TableConvert TableData to DataFrameConvert TableData to DataFrameBoolean MappingsNode 52ExtractpredictionSelect Bool MappingTableConvert TableData to DataFrameHidden layer8 unitsReLUOutput layer3 unitSoftmaxInput layer 4 unitsNeural Trainer 2Neural Trainer 3Save NetworkTrainer 1Apply the trained networkEvaluateSave NetworkTrainer 2Apply the trained networkExtractpredictionEvaluateExtractpredictionEvaluateSave NetworkTrainer 3Apply the trained network70% - training15 % - validation15 % - testingApply one hotencoding to thetarget columnColumn Filter Excel Reader Column Renamer(Dictionary) CSV Reader CSV Reader Python Script Value Lookup Table Manipulator Python Script Column Filter Normalizer Column Filter Column Filter Missing Value Value Lookup Keras NetworkLearner Missing Value Table Manipulator Column Expressions Missing Value Normalizer Python Script Normalizer Python Script MySQL Connector DB Writer DB Writer MySQL Connector DB Table Selector DB Table Selector DB Reader DB Reader CSV Reader DB Writer Rule Engine DB Table Selector DB Reader Keras Dense Layer Keras Dense Layer Keras Input Layer Keras NetworkLearner Keras NetworkLearner Keras NetworkWriter Keras NetworkExecutor Scorer Keras NetworkWriter Keras NetworkExecutor Rule Engine Scorer Rule Engine Scorer Keras NetworkWriter Keras NetworkExecutor Partitioning Partitioning Normalizer (Apply) One to Many Normalizer (Apply)


