
08 Decision Tree Model

Exercise for training a decision tree model.

Train, apply, and evaluate a decision tree model.

Did a super quick experiment on how accurately it could predict someone's gender and I was absolutely blown away.It wasn't super accurate or anything (Which I guess is proof of how similar Men and Women are I guess?), but it wasstill able to do better than guessing. Which I found super impressive considering how quickly I set this up (probablywith plenty of mistakes that, had I not made, would've dramatically improved the accuracy)I'm still very impressed though with how crazy (and stupidly accessible) machine learning is... wow 70/30 splitStratified sampling on theTravel columnPredict GenderEvaluate model accuracyNode 35 Partitioning DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor Scorer (JavaScript) CSV Reader Did a super quick experiment on how accurately it could predict someone's gender and I was absolutely blown away.It wasn't super accurate or anything (Which I guess is proof of how similar Men and Women are I guess?), but it wasstill able to do better than guessing. Which I found super impressive considering how quickly I set this up (probablywith plenty of mistakes that, had I not made, would've dramatically improved the accuracy)I'm still very impressed though with how crazy (and stupidly accessible) machine learning is... wow 70/30 splitStratified sampling on theTravel columnPredict GenderEvaluate model accuracyNode 35Partitioning DecisionTree Learner Decision TreePredictor Scorer (JavaScript) CSV Reader


