
Site Health Crawl

Read FileLoop Thru Specific ColumnsFilter Out Non-IssuesRemove non-loopcolumnsRead all filesLoop Thru filesOverwrite PreviousAdd Country table as new sheetThe EndTransform & format tableNode 38Node 45Create XLSstyling for sheetConvertFile path to country nameExcel Reader (XLS) Column ListLoop Start Row Filter Column Filter List Files Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Excel Writer (XLS) Excel SheetAppender (XLS) Variable Loop End Format XLS Formatter(apply) Loop End (2 ports) ExcelFormat String To Number String Manipulation(Variable) Read FileLoop Thru Specific ColumnsFilter Out Non-IssuesRemove non-loopcolumnsRead all filesLoop Thru filesOverwrite PreviousAdd Country table as new sheetThe EndTransform & format tableNode 38Node 45Create XLSstyling for sheetConvertFile path to country nameExcel Reader (XLS) Column ListLoop Start Row Filter Column Filter List Files Table Row ToVariable Loop Start Excel Writer (XLS) Excel SheetAppender (XLS) Variable Loop End Format XLS Formatter(apply) Loop End (2 ports) ExcelFormat String To Number String Manipulation(Variable)


