
Bulk Create QR codes, Short URL and UTM Tagging

bit.ly API, UTM Tagging and QR code creation.
Enter configuration details forthe BIt.ly API, Campaign Name,source and medium forGoogle Anaytics UTM Codesand select a file path where tosave the qr code files andreport. Your list of landing page URLsand a friendly content identifierfor use in Google AnalyticsUTM codes (utm_content) andto name the QR code PNGFiles. List of Target URLs and Content IdentifierCreate UTM Tagged Long URLStatic Items (API Key, UTM Fields, File Paths) Table Creator String Manipulation ConfigurationSettings Create POSTRequest Body Save QR Codesto File System Shorten URL viabit.ly API Create .csv Reportof QR Codes Produced Enter configuration details forthe BIt.ly API, Campaign Name,source and medium forGoogle Anaytics UTM Codesand select a file path where tosave the qr code files andreport. Your list of landing page URLsand a friendly content identifierfor use in Google AnalyticsUTM codes (utm_content) andto name the QR code PNGFiles. List of Target URLs and Content IdentifierCreate UTM Tagged Long URLStatic Items (API Key, UTM Fields, File Paths)Table Creator String Manipulation ConfigurationSettings Create POSTRequest Body Save QR Codesto File System Shorten URL viabit.ly API Create .csv Reportof QR Codes Produced


