
Read Multiple PDF and Find Keywords

Filter Bunch of PDF Documents By Keywords Matches

This workflow enables the machine to read all the pdf files in a folder, search for specific keywords, and assign it related dept. The outcome of this workflow is an excel file containing the file name, keywords that included, and the assigned department

Reading the documents downloaded from a specific folder Find the keywords Produce the excel document Node 1Node 11Node 19Assign keyword to related deptNode 33Node 36check machesKeywords #1Keywords #2Node 46Node 59Node 60Node 61check machesNode 64assign keywords #2 to related deptNode 66MISSING PDF Parser Column Filter Excel Writer Rule Engine Column Filter Cross Joiner String Manipulation Table Creator Table Creator Concatenate MISSING DocumentData Extractor Case Converter Row Filter String Manipulation Cross Joiner Rule Engine String Manipulation Reading the documents downloaded from a specific folder Find the keywords Produce the excel document Node 1Node 11Node 19Assign keyword to related deptNode 33Node 36check machesKeywords #1Keywords #2Node 46Node 59Node 60Node 61check machesNode 64assign keywords #2 to related deptNode 66 MISSING PDF Parser Column Filter Excel Writer Rule Engine Column Filter Cross Joiner String Manipulation Table Creator Table Creator Concatenate MISSING DocumentData Extractor Case Converter Row Filter String Manipulation Cross Joiner Rule Engine String Manipulation


