

Assumptions:- Combined cancer codes are subtotal of different categoriesand are therefore excluded. Missing information for 35041 and 35012.- Cancer code 0 "All invasive..." removed (total of differentcategories).- Values without context (cancer types, cancer codes, etc...) areexcluded (too many missing informations). Description: You received the 2017 cancer data from the CDC forinspection, and your goal is to answer the following questions:(1) What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring infemales? (2) What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring inmales? (3) Which US state has the highest cancer incidence rate (thatis, the highest number of cancer cases normalized by the sizeof its population)? Data available at : https://hub.knime.com/alinebessa/spaces/Just%20KNIME%20It!%20Datasets/latest/Challenge%203%20-%20Datasets~pZAJOPBXtHiXnRhq/ Import cancercasesImportpopulationsRemove "."in StateJoin infosCountmissing valuesas 0Split"all invasive"InteractivedashboardExcludeCombined cancer codes CSV Reader Excel Reader String Manipulation Joiner Missing Value Row Splitter Dashboard Row Filter Assumptions:- Combined cancer codes are subtotal of different categoriesand are therefore excluded. Missing information for 35041 and 35012.- Cancer code 0 "All invasive..." removed (total of differentcategories).- Values without context (cancer types, cancer codes, etc...) areexcluded (too many missing informations). Description: You received the 2017 cancer data from the CDC forinspection, and your goal is to answer the following questions:(1) What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring infemales? (2) What are the top-5 most frequent cancer types occurring inmales? (3) Which US state has the highest cancer incidence rate (thatis, the highest number of cancer cases normalized by the sizeof its population)? Data available at : https://hub.knime.com/alinebessa/spaces/Just%20KNIME%20It!%20Datasets/latest/Challenge%203%20-%20Datasets~pZAJOPBXtHiXnRhq/ Import cancercasesImportpopulationsRemove "."in StateJoin infosCountmissing valuesas 0Split"all invasive"InteractivedashboardExcludeCombined cancer codesCSV Reader Excel Reader String Manipulation Joiner Missing Value Row Splitter Dashboard Row Filter


