

Simple Visualization

The Iris dataset contains information about sepal and petal dimensions of three species of Iris flower. For exercise purposes, the dataset has been stored across different sources: a SQLite database, a CSV file, and an Excel file. Data Rows (flower measures) are stored in SQLite and Excel.
In this workflow, first we read the two blocks of rows and concatenate them.
Then, the class number is replaced with the actual class name from the CSV file.
When all information has been blended, some interactive composed visualization is performed in the component named "Visualization": bar chart, histogram, parallel coordinates, box plot, scatter plot, table view.

Data reading from different sources: SQLite database, XLS file, CSV.Data are blended together and visualized via an interactive composite view of simple charts and plots Importing data into the workflow Blended data visualizationCtrl + Double click to inspect thecomponent Connect to databaseSelect table withvaluesImport data tothe workflowConcatenate inone single datasetRemove class indexFilter out somerows before queryRight click ->Interactive View: VisualizationBasic statsRead more valuesfrom excel fileRead class namesAdd class names SQLite Connector DB Table Selector DB Reader Concatenate Column Filter DB Row Filter Visualization Statistics Excel Reader CSV Reader Joiner Data reading from different sources: SQLite database, XLS file, CSV.Data are blended together and visualized via an interactive composite view of simple charts and plots Importing data into the workflow Blended data visualizationCtrl + Double click to inspect thecomponent Connect to databaseSelect table withvaluesImport data tothe workflowConcatenate inone single datasetRemove class indexFilter out somerows before queryRight click ->Interactive View: VisualizationBasic statsRead more valuesfrom excel fileRead class namesAdd class namesSQLite Connector DB Table Selector DB Reader Concatenate Column Filter DB Row Filter Visualization Statistics Excel Reader CSV Reader Joiner


