
UFO Sightings Data Prep

Read inUFO sightings dataWikipediadataIMDB dataFilter out titleduplicationsSend final dataset to excelSend final dataset to excelNode 92Node 93Node 94Node 95Advanced methodIntermediate methodNode 101Run a correlational analysisbetween number of alien centric movies and number of UFO sightingsVisualize the relationshipNode 111CSV Reader Excel Reader Excel Reader Row Filter Excel Writer Excel Writer Data cleaning and variabletype transformation Textual dataprepping Some more data prepand data selection Data prepping Data cleaning andprepping - Method one Data cleaning andprepping - Method two Final data preppingand data selection Linear Correlation Scatter Plot Examining the relationship between numberof UFO sightings and movies about aliens Read inUFO sightings dataWikipediadataIMDB dataFilter out titleduplicationsSend final dataset to excelSend final dataset to excelNode 92Node 93Node 94Node 95Advanced methodIntermediate methodNode 101Run a correlational analysisbetween number of alien centric movies and number of UFO sightingsVisualize the relationshipNode 111CSV Reader Excel Reader Excel Reader Row Filter Excel Writer Excel Writer Data cleaning and variabletype transformation Textual dataprepping Some more data prepand data selection Data prepping Data cleaning andprepping - Method one Data cleaning andprepping - Method two Final data preppingand data selection Linear Correlation Scatter Plot Examining the relationship between numberof UFO sightings and movies about aliens


