
The Cost of Undergraduate Studies in the US

You are a senior student in a US high school, and you are going to apply for college soon. The costs of undergraduate studies in the US can be pretty high, and you want to understand what factors influence the costs -- and how. To make an informed and financially responsible decision, you decided to perform some Explanatory Data Analysis and cost modeling. What conclusions do you get to?

Node 1stats2y Room Cost fix4y costs2y costsmissing costsno missingsCSV Reader Statistics Column Rename Pivoting DuplicateRow Filter Math Formula Unpivoting Math Formula Math Formula Row Filter Column Rename Missing Value Column Filter GroupBy filter and results Node 1stats2y Room Cost fix4y costs2y costsmissing costsno missingsCSV Reader Statistics Column Rename Pivoting DuplicateRow Filter Math Formula Unpivoting Math Formula Math Formula Row Filter Column Rename Missing Value Column Filter GroupBy filter and results


