

Offensive Language and the LGBTQIA+ Community

Level: Medium

Description: As a member of a think tank, your task is to craft a report on LGBTQIA+ representation in political discourse. Given a EU dataset gathering responses from LGBTQIA+ individuals across all member states, you decide to start your work by investigating the answers to the following question: "In your opinion, how widespread is offensive language about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender people by politicians in the country where you live?”.

Use a map to present the results effectively.

Author: Michele Bassa

Datasets: LGBTQIA+ Survey Data in the KNIME Community Hub

A simple approach is to filter directly without using streaming variables.Note:the original question text:In your opinion, how widespread is offensive language about lesbian, gay, bisexual , and/or transgender people by politicians in the country where you live? Corresponding text in the dictionary:In your opinion, how widespread is offensive language about lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender people by politicians in the country where you live? Reading survey results dataLGBT_Survey_DailyLife.csvCopy the original question text from the prompt.Obtain a dictionary of standard questions.Fuzzy matching, not requiring the two strings to be identical.Only focus on relevant questionsDivided into two categories$answer$ MATCHES ".*widespread.*" =>1TRUE =>0percentagestr -> doublegroup by :CountryCodesubsetagg:sum$percentage$ * $prediction$group by :CountryCodeagg:mean0 decimal placesDelete Statistics RowsAverage CSV Reader Table Creator GroupBy String Matcher Row Filter Table Rowto Variable Rule Engine String to Number GroupBy Math Formula GroupBy Round Double Choropleth Map Row Filter A simple approach is to filter directly without using streaming variables.Note:the original question text:In your opinion, how widespread is offensive language about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender people by politicians in the country where you live?Corresponding text in the dictionary:In your opinion, how widespread is offensive language about lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender people by politicians in the country where you live? Reading survey results dataLGBT_Survey_DailyLife.csvCopy the original question text from the prompt.Obtain a dictionary of standard questions.Fuzzy matching, not requiring the two strings to be identical.Only focus on relevant questionsDivided into two categories$answer$ MATCHES ".*widespread.*" =>1TRUE =>0percentagestr -> doublegroup by :CountryCodesubsetagg:sum$percentage$ * $prediction$group by :CountryCodeagg:mean0 decimal placesDelete Statistics RowsAverageCSV Reader Table Creator GroupBy String Matcher Row Filter Table Rowto Variable Rule Engine String to Number GroupBy Math Formula GroupBy Round Double Choropleth Map Row Filter


