

The 2024 Summer Olympics start this week: are you ready for some on-theme trivia? Here are three questions to test your knowledge:

1. Which country has the highest average number of medals (gold, silver, and bronze combined) per athlete, across all Summer Olympics?
2. Which sport made its debut at the Rio 2016 Olympics?
3. Who holds the title of the oldest gold medalist of all time?

If you're not sure about the answers, don't sweat it: we've got a handy dataset that covers the entire history of the Games for you. Before you know it, you'll be standing on the virtual podium as the trivia champion, ready to take home the gold!

Level: EasyDescription: The 2024 Summer Olympics start this week: are you ready for some on-theme trivia? Here are three questions to test yourknowledge:1. Which country has the highest average number of medals (gold, silver, and bronze combined) per athlete, across all Summer Olympics?2. Which sport made its debut at the Rio 2016 Olympics?3. Who holds the title of the oldest gold medalist of all time?If you're not sure about the answers, don't sweat it: we've got a handy dataset that covers the entire history of the Games for you. Before youknow it, you'll be standing on the virtual podium as the trivia champion, ready to take home the gold!説明 2024年夏季オリンピックが今週開幕します:テーマに沿ったトリビアの準備はできていますか?あなたの知識を試すための3つの質問です:1. すべての夏季オリンピックで、選手1人あたりの平均メダル数(金、銀、銅の合計)が最も多い国はどこでしょう?2. リオ2016オリンピックでデビューした競技は?3. 史上最年長金メダリストの称号を持つのは?もし答えが分からなくても、ご心配なく。大会の全歴史を網羅した便利なデータセットをご用意しました。いつの間にか、あなたはトリビアのチャンピオンとしてバーチャル表彰台に立ち、金メダルを手にする準備ができていることでしょう! view Level: EasyDescription: The 2024 Summer Olympics start this week: are you ready for some on-theme trivia? Here are three questions to test yourknowledge:1. Which country has the highest average number of medals (gold, silver, and bronze combined) per athlete, across all Summer Olympics?2. Which sport made its debut at the Rio 2016 Olympics?3. Who holds the title of the oldest gold medalist of all time?If you're not sure about the answers, don't sweat it: we've got a handy dataset that covers the entire history of the Games for you. Before youknow it, you'll be standing on the virtual podium as the trivia champion, ready to take home the gold!説明 2024年夏季オリンピックが今週開幕します:テーマに沿ったトリビアの準備はできていますか?あなたの知識を試すための3つの質問です:1. すべての夏季オリンピックで、選手1人あたりの平均メダル数(金、銀、銅の合計)が最も多い国はどこでしょう?2. リオ2016オリンピックでデビューした競技は?3. 史上最年長金メダリストの称号を持つのは?もし答えが分からなくても、ご心配なく。大会の全歴史を網羅した便利なデータセットをご用意しました。いつの間にか、あなたはトリビアのチャンピオンとしてバーチャル表彰台に立ち、金メダルを手にする準備ができていることでしょう! view


