
03 Row and Column Filtering

03 Row and Column Filtering
Exercise: Column Filtering1) Read the adult_education.table file by executing the Table Reader node2) Exclude the "education-num" column- manually- by including only string type columns Exercise: Row Filtering1) Read the adult.csv file by executing the CSV Reader node2) Filter out rows where the marital status is missing3) Extract rows where - the marital status is divorced- the marital status is never married and age is between 20 and 40 (both included)- the workclass starts with "S"5) How many adults are- divorced?- never married?- never married and between 20 and 40 years old?- with work class State-gov, Self-emp-not-inc, or Self-emp-inc? adult.csvRead adult_education.tableNode 27Node 28Node 29Node 30Node 31Node 32Node 33 CSV Reader Table Reader Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter Column Filter Column Filter Exercise: Column Filtering1) Read the adult_education.table file by executing the Table Reader node2) Exclude the "education-num" column- manually- by including only string type columns Exercise: Row Filtering1) Read the adult.csv file by executing the CSV Reader node2) Filter out rows where the marital status is missing3) Extract rows where - the marital status is divorced- the marital status is never married and age is between 20 and 40 (both included)- the workclass starts with "S"5) How many adults are- divorced?- never married?- never married and between 20 and 40 years old?- with work class State-gov, Self-emp-not-inc, or Self-emp-inc? adult.csvRead adult_education.tableNode 27Node 28Node 29Node 30Node 31Node 32Node 33 CSV Reader Table Reader Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter Row Filter Column Filter Column Filter


