


Solution to Challenge 5
- no loops, no variables

this is just to bring the table back in original order based on original rowIDs Solution to KNIME Challenge 5.2022Idea: Use a combination of Joiners and Filters torealize a lookup (due to the fact that KNIMEJoiner node does not support join conditions with<=, >= ,or temporal conditions) contract_dates_table.xlsxfiscal_years_lookup_table.xlsxthis table is not complete, i.e. there contract dates without corresponding missing yearconvert to date fieldcombine both tablesfilter out all records that match the conditioncontract date between start and endNOTE: Here we loose all records without match in lookup tablewe do a left join withoriginal table to get backall "lost" recordsfill missing Fiscal Year with "NA"Node 9Node 10Node 11Node 12 Excel Reader Excel Reader String to Date&Time Cross Joiner Rule-basedRow Filter Joiner Missing Value String Manipulation Sorter Column Filter String To Number this is just to bring the table back in original order based on original rowIDs Solution to KNIME Challenge 5.2022Idea: Use a combination of Joiners and Filters torealize a lookup (due to the fact that KNIMEJoiner node does not support join conditions with<=, >= ,or temporal conditions) contract_dates_table.xlsxfiscal_years_lookup_table.xlsxthis table is not complete, i.e. there contract dates without corresponding missing yearconvert to date fieldcombine both tablesfilter out all records that match the conditioncontract date between start and endNOTE: Here we loose all records without match in lookup tablewe do a left join withoriginal table to get backall "lost" recordsfill missing Fiscal Year with "NA"Node 9Node 10Node 11Node 12Excel Reader Excel Reader String to Date&Time Cross Joiner Rule-basedRow Filter Joiner Missing Value String Manipulation Sorter Column Filter String To Number


