

get the job infoof this workflowget the job infoof this workflowextract parent wf job idServer URLget the job infoof the parent workflowextract - Workflow path- Node mesages - ExecutionState- Userget scheduled jobsof the parent workflowjob info urlschedule url(s)get schedulesof the parent workflowremove status and content typeremove some colsremove some colsDisable ScheduleServer Credsset disabled=true and remove readonly properties - id- nextScheduledExecutionExtract ContextProperties GET Request Java Edit Variable JSON Path StringConfiguration GET Request JSON Path JSON Path String Manipulation String Manipulation GET Request Column Filter Column Filter Column Filter Ungroup PUT Request CredentialsConfiguration JSON Transformer get the job infoof this workflowget the job infoof this workflowextract parent wf job idServer URLget the job infoof the parent workflowextract - Workflow path- Node mesages - ExecutionState- Userget scheduled jobsof the parent workflowjob info urlschedule url(s)get schedulesof the parent workflowremove status and content typeremove some colsremove some colsDisable ScheduleServer Credsset disabled=true and remove readonly properties - id- nextScheduledExecutionExtract ContextProperties GET Request Java Edit Variable JSON Path StringConfiguration GET Request JSON Path JSON Path String Manipulation String Manipulation GET Request Column Filter Column Filter Column Filter Ungroup PUT Request CredentialsConfiguration JSON Transformer


