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Challenge 30: Music Data App
Level: Medium or Hard

Description: The second season of Just KNIME It! is coming to an end, and just like last season we will celebrate it with an open-ended problem. We invite you to use your creativity to build a data app relating music tracks to their artists through interactive and insightful visualizations. Take a step further and use one of the datasets we provide to make your interface available in multiple languages. Note: As this is an open-ended challenge, we will not be supplying our own solution as we usually do. Feel free to explore the datasets as you see fit!

Author: Aline Bessa

Dataset: Music Data in the KNIME Hub

URL: Just KNIME it https://www.knime.com/just-knime-it
URL: Dataset https://hub.knime.com/alinebessa/spaces/Just%20KNIME%20It!%20Season%202%20-%20Datasets/Challenge%2030%20-%20Datasets~V-IgYMJWKsyKmA10/

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