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Challenge 29: Table Tennis Tournament
Level: Medium

Description: You work for a Berlin startup and it's Friday night. A table tennis tournament with your colleagues is due! The following problem comes up: how to randomly split all your co-workers in random teams of two players, and then randomly define the direct elimination matches as a dendrogram? Hint: You can use the Hierarchical Cluster Assigner in this challenge.

Author: Paolo Tamagnini

Dataset: Data on Table Tennis Participants in the KNIME Hub

URL: Just KNIME it https://www.knime.com/just-knime-it
URL: Dataset https://hub.knime.com/-/spaces/-/latest/~E4tX_Id3c0ziPaws/
URL: Learn the Elbow Method to Optimize Topic Extraction https://www.knime.com/blog/topic-extraction-optimizing-the-number-of-topics-with-the-elbow-method

k = 3Node 614Node 677Node 678Node 679Node 682Stratifiedsamplingwithinthe clusters(50/50)Node 717Normalize the scoreto a rangebetween 0.0 and 0.2Normalize the scoreto a rangebetween 0.5 and 0.7ReplaceRowIDswith score + nameNode 724Score + name Find the best kby usingElbow methodk-Means CSV Reader Distance MatrixCalculate HierarchicalCluster Assigner Hierarchical Clustering(DistMatrix) CSS Editor Partitioning Concatenate Normalizer Normalizer RowID Column Renamer String Manipulation Component k = 3Node 614Node 677Node 678Node 679Node 682Stratifiedsamplingwithinthe clusters(50/50)Node 717Normalize the scoreto a rangebetween 0.0 and 0.2Normalize the scoreto a rangebetween 0.5 and 0.7ReplaceRowIDswith score + nameNode 724Score + name Find the best kby usingElbow methodk-Means CSV Reader Distance MatrixCalculate HierarchicalCluster Assigner Hierarchical Clustering(DistMatrix) CSS Editor Partitioning Concatenate Normalizer Normalizer RowID Column Renamer String Manipulation Component


