
Workflow Find Assistant

Workflow Find Assistant

Workflow Find Assistant

Read list of workflows from current KNIME workspace and organise by date

Updated 31/7/2021 - now returns workflow groups, and also modified to work on non-windows installations (although I cannot test this!!), so if you are not running KNIME AP on windows and it doesn't work, please let me know!

Reads current KNIME workspace toretrieve list of folders containingworkspace.knime files.Any folders containing a # character areremoved from the list as these representcomponents within a workflow and are notvalid workflow names.The returned list shows workflows andworkflow group (if applicable) List filesGet additionaldate/size/etc infoPath to KNIMEworkflowsGet current KNIME contextand environmentfile path separatorcharacterfind workflow namemake pathusable formanipulationreorganiserename workflowcolumnSort by descdate (most recent first)standardise "location"use "/" separator so that "hopefully" subsequent manipulationswork cross-platformFindWorkflow Grouptidy upremove"components" or invalid workflow names(names that contains #)return location stringwithout "workspace.knime" List Files/Folders Files/FoldersMeta Info String to Path(Variable) Java Edit Variable Regex Split Path to String Column Resorter Column Rename Sorter String Manipulation String Manipulation Column Filter Row Filter String Manipulation Reads current KNIME workspace toretrieve list of folders containingworkspace.knime files.Any folders containing a # character areremoved from the list as these representcomponents within a workflow and are notvalid workflow names.The returned list shows workflows andworkflow group (if applicable) List filesGet additionaldate/size/etc infoPath to KNIMEworkflowsGet current KNIME contextand environmentfile path separatorcharacterfind workflow namemake pathusable formanipulationreorganiserename workflowcolumnSort by descdate (most recent first)standardise "location"use "/" separator so that "hopefully" subsequent manipulationswork cross-platformFindWorkflow Grouptidy upremove"components" or invalid workflow names(names that contains #)return location stringwithout "workspace.knime"List Files/Folders Files/FoldersMeta Info String to Path(Variable) Java Edit Variable Regex Split Path to String Column Resorter Column Rename Sorter String Manipulation String Manipulation Column Filter Row Filter String Manipulation


