
Simple Customisable XML Generation from table

Simple Customisable XML Generation from table
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><people><person><p_id>101</p_id><name>Andrew</name></person><person><p_id>108</p_id><name>Brian</name></person><person><p_id>103</p_id><name>Claire</name></person><person><p_id>110</p_id><name>Deborah</name></person></people> person_name person_idAndrew 101Brian 108Claire 103Deborah 110 Generate customisable XMLAn introductory workflow to generate XML from a table. It is possible to domuch the same as this using Table to JSON and JSON to XML, but themechanism here provides greater flexibility when we then wish toprogress further by joining to other tables, and build up a more complexnested XML structureBrian Bates @takbb 31 March 2021 Here the individual columns have beenconverted to XML by separate nodes. Thisis ok here as an intro to the nodes, butwould soon become unwieldy and messyif there were a large number of columns. I will address this in a different workflowexample This extracting of context properties anduse of Java Edit Variable is included hereonly because I couldn't find a way of usingrelative file paths with XML Row Combineand Write. There may be another way todo this that I couldn't find, and In future,this may not be necessary. Create XML for Person NameCreate xml for Person IDCombine xml from person_id and person_name into a single xml columnArrange columnsinto theorder I wish for xml output.Put rows together to write as a single XML file"./data/simpleOutput.xml"Manual table containing person_nameand person_idCollect Define xml filename relative relative to workflowas XML Row Combine & Writedoesn't have relative paths Column To XML Column To XML XML Column Combiner Column Resorter XML Row Combineand Write Table Creator Extract ContextProperties Java Edit Variable <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><people><person><p_id>101</p_id><name>Andrew</name></person><person><p_id>108</p_id><name>Brian</name></person><person><p_id>103</p_id><name>Claire</name></person><person><p_id>110</p_id><name>Deborah</name></person></people> person_name person_idAndrew 101Brian 108Claire 103Deborah 110 Generate customisable XMLAn introductory workflow to generate XML from a table. It is possible to domuch the same as this using Table to JSON and JSON to XML, but themechanism here provides greater flexibility when we then wish toprogress further by joining to other tables, and build up a more complexnested XML structureBrian Bates @takbb 31 March 2021 Here the individual columns have beenconverted to XML by separate nodes. Thisis ok here as an intro to the nodes, butwould soon become unwieldy and messyif there were a large number of columns. I will address this in a different workflowexample This extracting of context properties anduse of Java Edit Variable is included hereonly because I couldn't find a way of usingrelative file paths with XML Row Combineand Write. There may be another way todo this that I couldn't find, and In future,this may not be necessary. Create XML for Person NameCreate xml for Person IDCombine xml from person_id and person_name into a single xml columnArrange columnsinto theorder I wish for xml output.Put rows together to write as a single XML file"./data/simpleOutput.xml"Manual table containing person_nameand person_idCollect Define xml filename relative relative to workflowas XML Row Combine & Writedoesn't have relative paths Column To XML Column To XML XML Column Combiner Column Resorter XML Row Combineand Write Table Creator Extract ContextProperties Java Edit Variable


