Create XML Generator Control Table from XSD

Reads an XSD and attempts to create elements of the XML Generator Control table from on. This cannot build the entire control table but it will reduce the workload in creating all of the individual tags, and the parent definitions for each tag

@takbb Brian Bates Oct 2022

Updated: 2022-11-09: Parent mismatch on previous group tag closing with more than one nested level child (rev 2)


Enforce Unique Tag Names
If ticked, the XSD line number of the element is appended to its tag name to ensure it is unique. This should be applied where element names may not be unique across the XSD, but it reduces readability of the control table. If you know that all XSD element names are unique, this can be left off. %%00010%%00010You do not need to turn this on if it is only attribute names that are non-unique, since their tag name includes their parent tag-name too.

Input Ports

This should be the output from an XML Reader reading the XSD file

Output Ports

This is the XML Control Table extracted from the XSD
The tag list derived from the XSD. Manually copy and paste this list into a Table Creator, and specify the tag to data-field mappings by editing the VALUE column, and then concatenating back ONTO THE END OF the output from the XML Control Table port


