Write Excel Cell Formula (multi cell)

Writes a set of formula into a list of named cells in an existing XLSX spreadsheet.

The input table should consist of two columns. The first is the list of cells to be updated, and the second column is the formula to be placed in the cell identified in the first column.

The columns do not require any specific names. They are acted on positionally

D2 | B2*C2
D3 | B3*C3
D4 | SUM(D2:D3)

Note that it will not be able to write to a spreadsheet that is currently open in Excel. If this occurs, it may appear that no error has occurred, but nothing will be written.

Requires KNIME 4.7 or above

@takbb Brian Bates 2 June 2023


Open file after execution
Select this option to open the file in Excel
Choose source path variable
Choose the path variable that contains the file name that you wish to edit
Sheet Name
Enter the name of the sheet to be updated in the XLSX file

Input Ports

A table containing a list of cells to be updated, and the formula to be applied to each cell.

Output Ports

This node has no output ports


