Create Missing Period Rows

Inserts additional rows for missing periods in a data set. The input data set must have a defined year and month column, as configured on this component. A calendar is generated between start period and end period each defined in yyyymm format. Any missing periods are then included in the dataset which is then sorted into year month order so that the rows are included in the appropriate place.

@takbb Brian Bates 25th June 2021


Select the Month column
Choose the integer column containing the values for period or month
Select the Year column
Choose the column that represents the year in the incoming data set
Calendar Start Period (yyyy or yyyymm format)
Enter earliest period for calendar in either yyyy or yyyymm format%%00010%%00010For example:%%000102010 %%00010All of 2010, (starting at month 1 of 2010)%%00010%%00010201006%%00010starts at month 6 of 2010
Calendar End Period (yyyy or yyyymm format)
Enter latest period for calendar in either yyyy or yyyymm format.%%00010For end date, you may also enter literal values as follows:%%00010Set to literal value yyyymm for current year and month%%00010Set to literal value yyyy for current year%%00010%%00010Examples:%%000102025%%00010Ends at end of 2025 (same as entering 202512%%00010%%00010202506%%00010ends at month 6 of 2025%%00010%%00010yyyy%%00010Ends at end of current year based on current system date%%00010%%00010yyyymm %%00010Ends at end of current month based on current system date

Input Ports

Data set containing data by year, month

Output Ports

Data set with additional year, month rows inserted


